Cherry Hill Workers’ Compensation Lawyers: Rise in New Jersey Fatal Work Accidents
May 29, 2017

New statistics have revealed an uptick in New Jersey fatal work accidents. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) published a report that detailed 97 fatal work-related injuries in New Jersey in 2015, a 10 percent increase over the previous year. The Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries surveyed all 50 states and found that in 2015, 4,836 fatal work accidents occurred. Nationally, fatal workplace injury numbers have risen across the board.
Studies have found that the construction industry is the most prone to work-related deaths. Most New Jersey fatal work accidents occurred at construction sites or facilities. In 2015, 22 deaths happened at private sector construction sites. The second industry with the most work-related deaths is the private transportation industry. The factory/warehouse industry rounds out the top three.
Combined, the New Jersey transportation and factory industries had 50 fatal work accidents in 2015. Employees working in freight trucking account for 58 percent of the injuries reported in this sector. The movement of materials in the warehousing industry was the activity that cause the most fatal work accidents.
Work Accidents Most Associated with Fatal Injuries
Workers suffer from a variety of injuries that may lead to fatalities. The report showed that employees in the private construction industry were more prone to fall accidents. Twelve fatal construction accidents occurred when employees fell from a higher elevation to a lower level.
In addition to falls, workers that slipped or tripped over items also experienced serious or fatal injuries. Twenty-four of New Jersey’s transportation fatalities occurred when workers slipped or tripped. Sixty-three percent of the reported work-related fatalities were a result of a slip and fall.
The third-largest contributor to work-related deaths was person-to-person violence and animal attacks. New Jersey had 18 work-related injuries or deaths caused by violence in 2015.
Breakdown by Group
Statistics for national and statewide work-related deaths were mostly comprised of men. In New Jersey, 98 percent of fatal work accidents involved men. Nationally, men were the casualties of 93 percent of work-related fatalities. White males accounted for 67 percent of national fatal work accidents with workers aged 55 and older involved in most of these accidents.
Safety Precautions
The rise in New Jersey fatal work accidents may indicate poor safety conditions and standards in the industries most affected. Unsafe work conditions put employees at high risk for injuries and fatalities. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is an agency funded by the United States Department of Labor. OSHA has created certain policies and regulations for all public and private businesses to ensure employee safety.
If a business is in violation of any of OSHA’s policies or codes, workers have a right to report such hazards without fear of retaliation. Those who are injured can seek compensation with the help of a lawyer.
Cherry Hill Workers’ Compensation Lawyers at DiTomaso Law Pursue Compensation for Victims of Fatal Work Accidents
The seasoned Cherry Hill Workers’ Compensation lawyers at DiTomaso Law are dedicated to helping injured workers and the families of those who have died in a workplace accident seek compensation for their losses. Contact us online, or call us at 856-414-0010 to schedule a free evaluation and discuss your legal options.

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