Drunk Driving Fatalities Lower in States with Tighter Laws
August 16, 2018

A study done by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) found that when state alcohol policies are more restrictive, there are fewer fatalities involving drunk driving. Although many states have increased their drunk driving laws, the study indicates that policies effecting consumption tend to reduce excessive drinking. These policies need to be implemented along with current drunk driving laws.
The National Center for Biotechnology Information reports that there is strong evidence to support the theory that raising the tax on alcohol is an effective strategy for reducing excessive alcohol consumption. In fact, in 2009, Illinois raised their taxes on beer, wine, and distilled spirits. Reports indicated that alcohol related fatalities fell by 26 percent overall, with a 37 percent drop in fatal crashes involving young drivers.
Alcohol taxes are normally regulated by federal and state governments but can be instituted at the local or county level. Currently in the United States, alcohol tax is nominal and varies according to the specific beverage.
Reducing BAC
In another study done by the NHTSA, findings indicated that driving impairment begins the minute a person’s blood alcohol content (BAC) starts to rise. In other parts of the world, drivers are already subject to .05 percent BAC. This may explain why the U.S. experiences a higher rate of alcohol-related crash fatalities than other nations.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that after reviewing several studies, checkpoints were effective in reducing alcohol-related fatal crashes by about 20 percent. Sobriety check points are authorized in 38 states, but only a few states conduct them often enough to be effective. Police departments may be reluctant to set up sobriety checkpoints due to lack of personnel. Additionally, checkpoints can be extremely time consuming for officers, requiring several hours of their shift.
What many may not realize is that checkpoints are set up to deter intoxicated driving. For a checkpoint to be truly effective, it is necessary to advertise the checkpoint in places where it will be seen by the community and should be done on a regular basis. If done regularly, drivers may be hesitant to drive drunk, reducing the number drunk driving accidents.
Camden Car Accident Lawyers at DiTomaso Law Advocate for Victims of Drunk Driving Accidents
If you or someone you love suffered injuries due to a drunk driving accident or have been injured in a motor vehicle accident, contact a Camden car accident lawyer at DiTomaso Law. Our lawyers are ready to listen to your case and offer the legal expertise necessary to provide you with the best possible outcome. With offices in Cherry Hill, New Jersey and Philadelphia, we proudly serve clients from the surrounding areas. Call us today at 856-414-0010 today or contact us online for a free consultation.

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