Spring Break Slip and Fall Hazards
March 20, 2019
Spring break is synonymous with fun and relaxation, but that does not mean accidents cannot happen. Slip and fall accidents are particularly common during spring break, and can lead to serious injuries, but there are ways to protect yourself and be as safe as possible.
Guests may suffer a slip and fall accident at their hotel. Although these facilities are supposed to maintain their interiors and exteriors to keep guests safe, there are hotels negligent in these duties. Slip and falls may occur due to uneven flooring, torn carpeting, poor lighting, and other factors. If your spring break trip includes a visit to a theme park, pay careful attention so that you are not exposing yourself to hazards. Watch where you are walking when entering and exiting rides.
Pools are a frequent location for slip and fall accidents, and the likelihood of landing on cement or in water makes them especially dangerous. Surfaces are slick, increasing the chances of a slip and fall. Spring break at the beach contains its own set of hazards. Sand on wooden stairs, whether at a hotel or beach access area, lowers surface traction and ups the risk of slipping and falling. Wet wooden stairs pose another slip and fall risk.
Preventing Spring Break Slip and Falls
One of the best ways to reduce the odds of a slip and fall accident is by wearing proper footwear. Swim shoes can lessen your chances of slipping and falling while around pools or other wet areas. When in non-pool areas, choose footwear with good traction. While not the most glamorous shoes, such footwear can help prevent slipping and falling, rather than sustaining broken bones or contusions.
Bring different pairs of shoes on your spring break trip. If one pair gets wet, switch to a dry pair. Wet shoes on stairs or other areas can increase the risk of slipping and falling. You may see treads on certain stairs or walkways. When given a choice, use the stairs or walkways that include slip prevention treads.
Camden Slip and Fall Lawyers at DiTomaso Law Represent Victims Injured in Slip and Fall Accidents
Whether you or a loved one was injured in a slip and fall accident on spring break or any other time of year, you need the services of the experienced Camden slip and fall lawyers at DiTomaso Law. Our experienced lawyers can help you receive the compensation you deserve for your injuries. Contact us online or call 856-414-0010 for a free consultation. Our offices are in Cherry Hill, New Jersey and Philadelphia to represent clients throughout South Jersey and southeastern Pennsylvania, including Camden County and Mt. Holly.

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